Grebennikov Platforma Платформа Гребенникова

4 года 7 мес. назад
Patraulea аватар
Grebennikov Platforma Платформа Гребенникова #136123

tufan пишет: And Patraulea made a similar thing like bulgarian made!

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4 года 7 мес. назад
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Grebennikov Platforma Платформа Гребенникова #136124
компас direction finder радиопеленгатор 369=4
Спасибо сказали AndreyVK431

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4 года 7 мес. назад 4 года 7 мес. назад от Patraulea.
Patraulea аватар
Grebennikov Platforma Платформа Гребенникова #136125

tufan пишет: компас direction finder радиопеленгатор 369=4

используется немцами в НЛО

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4 года 7 мес. назад
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Grebennikov Platforma Платформа Гребенникова #136141
они градусы they are degrees
Спасибо сказали AndreyVK431

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4 года 7 мес. назад
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Grebennikov Platforma Платформа Гребенникова #136142
Can you see the 3,6,9 dividers циркуль
Спасибо сказали AndreyVK431

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4 года 7 мес. назад
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Grebennikov Platforma Платформа Гребенникова #136143
Isn t this smoke receiver ? Negative smoke particles go to the positive terminals and collects on the positive terminal.This is my opinion offcourse maybe I m wrong.
Спасибо сказали AndreyVK431

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4 года 7 мес. назад 4 года 7 мес. назад от Patraulea.
Patraulea аватар
Grebennikov Platforma Платформа Гребенникова #136144

tufan пишет: Isn t this smoke receiver ? Negative smoke particles go to the positive terminals and collects on the positive terminal.This is my opinion offcourse maybe I m wrong.

why are you complicit in formulas and terms and useful? Quantum is simple. Look at the end of the smoke arc to see where it goes. If you do not know the smoke curve and is not drawn below but disappears ... study Tesla .... Leave Grebennikov. Grebennikov as Oleg lied a lot. I repeat Tesla was not a cockroach scientist like Grebennikov.

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4 года 7 мес. назад
Patraulea аватар
Grebennikov Platforma Платформа Гребенникова #136145
“A navigator tells a story after handover a seal envelope to his friend a pilot, which inside envelope consists of the drawings and sketch of his antigravity experiment. In the drawing shows of three level of particle board, some washer, rod, and hook up to a frequency generator. When switch on – nothing happen.

But all of the sudden it lift off, and he amaze, the air underneath become a kind of grey jelly like. And then, he grabs a broom stick and start to play with the field. Afterward when he try to shut it down by disconnect the switch.

Unfortunately the circuit can’t shut down and continue on (with electric arc connected the circuit) until he use the same broom stick to check the field to smash the floating particle board and some huge electrical discharge going up and blast the nearby power transformer in the block.”

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4 года 7 мес. назад
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Сообщений: 133
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Grebennikov Platforma Платформа Гребенникова #136146
I know lots of things about Tesla.He used high frequency to nullify the gravity pull.He succeeded but American Government kept his wonderfull works.You he hated army and rich people rules, unfortunatilly capitalists beat him.
Спасибо сказали AndreyVK431

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4 года 7 мес. назад
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Сообщений: 133
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Grebennikov Platforma Платформа Гребенникова #136149
You had made a device with five copper pipes with active carbon. Did you make a succesfull experiment?
Спасибо сказали AndreyVK431

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